Products and Services


CIV for MEMS Characterization

Recent dramatic growth in the consumer MEMS market has seen the cell phone develop into a powerful hand-held computer. These developments have been fueled by progress in development of increasingly sophisticated acceleration sensors, gyros, magnetic sensors, microphones, pressure sensors and RF filters which has grown into a multibillion dollar market. However characterization of the dynamic behavior of micro-scale MEMS devices remains a non-trivial task, requiring detailed analysis of their temporal and spatial response to environmental variables and coupled external vibrations. The unique features and capabilities of AS&T's Conformal Imaging Vibrometer (CIV) allows complete capture of the vibrational response of MEMS in one shot, making their characterization fast, reliable and precise.

In Development

Novel Beaconless Wavefront Sensor

Heterogeneous Data Fusion Using Hidden Markov-Chain (McMODAF)